Chanting Voices of Reading Echoes In The Village Again
School Teacher LuiJun Jiang,
Guizhou Zhijin JiaLe Elementary School
How time flies! Before I know it, my first semester as a teacher at JiaLe Elementary School has come to an end. From a new college graduate full of enthusiasm but short on teaching experience, I have learned and grown to be a patient and pragmatic Chinese language teacher.
It all started from a phone call six months ago, when my family pled with me to go home and help out at JiaLe Elementary. As I struggled to resist the seemingly endless opportunities the outside world presented, my hometown constantly tugged at my heart. Ultimately, I was pulled back to the now almost deserted JiaLe school, where once houses 200 students had shrunk to less than 60 enrolled students with my uncle Principal Yang as the sole teacher (note: with some help from a few seasoned “teachers” on and off). Jiale Elementary, where my father and uncle had been laboriously planting and nurturing their seeds of hope, was facing closure due to lack of teachers who didn't get paid enough to raise their families. How could it be true that the chanting voices of children reading loud would never be heard again? And how could we let the eager eyes of young students thirsty for knowledge disappear from the village forever? Determined to revive my uncle’s dream and his school, I joined JiaLe to teach 6th grade Chinese, as one of the school’s two faculty members.
At the end of August just as school was about to start, Uncle Yang and I scrambled for help from all sources to find a few more teachers. In the meantime, I visited village after village within 3~4 miles radius of the school, hoping to attract all school-age children back to JiaLe, including those who gave up or who had to walk long distance to school. After days of hard work with countless ups and downs, we finally hired two additional teachers and brought a total of more than 70 children to JiaLe.
Supported by the Overseas Chinese Education Foundation (OCEF), the new school year put to use for the first time: a newly constructed library, classrooms and new furniture, all from donations. In the shining new classrooms, the children’s eyes spoke excitement and anticipation as they sat at pristine desks and chairs, read new books and learned from their green vibrant teachers. Those fresh books in the library are their favorites and they couldn’t put them down. They love their brand new furniture and use them with great care.
As I stand in front of the classroom, every child’s cheerful curious eyes and every trusting call for "teacher" instill into my heart stronger passion and increased sense of responsibility. The pressure from my lack of teaching experience drives me to enrich myself to better fulfill my responsibility for the children as their front runner, just like a gardener nurturing his seeds of hope into fruition.
Over a semester of teaching and intermingling with the students, I saw my early apprehension dissipate and my enthusiasm gradually transform into composure, gratification and joy of giving.
Education as a profession demands a lot of experience, and is worth a lifetime to explore, digest and practice. I used to think Jiale is too small a stage for me to play. I learned from the children that a teacher not only must have a child’s innocent heart and love, but also patience and perseverance to live up to this sacred career. Most importantly, a teacher must recharge his/her own battery and keep learning in order to disseminate knowledge.
The following is my experience of teaching this semester:
First, as an educator I should not just teach. I must know how to exchange thoughts and communicate heart to heart with children. Elementary school teachers face young students who are still essentially children. Teaching is not about mechanically transporting knowledge from one mind to the others, but rather touching the souls of children at every moment. I often run into teachers who routinely tube feed students with knowledge. They speak highly of children with good grades and unforgivingly criticize those who score poorly. The truth is each child has his or her strengths and we can’t simply categorize them into good or bad students. We should encourage students to do better when they are doing well just as much as we should guide and support them when they have difficulties. We should not be over critical of children because everyone has some fragile spots deep in their soul, all the more so for children. As their teacher, I need to help children build up their sense of pride and dignity so that they can gain confidence from learning and appreciate the joy of growing. In the teaching process, however, for a teacher to control his/her frustration is easy said than done.
Second, as a teacher, I need to continuously enrich and improve myself. A new teacher full of passion and high in energy, my idealism and lack of teaching experience soon got me buried in the daily teaching routine as I found myself fully occupied with preparing for lectures, managing classes, and doing my own housework. At a remote school like JiaLe, where training, seminars and information exchange are beyond reach, the library and random information from mobile phone network provide my main channels to gain knowledge. Often times after hectic classes, I failed to take advantage of favorable time to enrich myself.
"To give students a bowl of water, we must have a bucket of water." I wish I had the opportunity to listen to lectures from experienced teachers and ask them to share their teaching experience with me to help me improve myself.
My teaching capability will be enriched with time, just like aged rocks polished in the river bed will eventually shine. I want to accumulate more teaching experience to make my dream come true: to be a capable teacher with love, patience and perseverance.
January 10, 2012
They Can Do It. We Can Help.
Dear friends:
This year marks the 19th anniversary of OCEF. It offers a special occasion for reflection—to remember those who touched our hearts, to look forward to a major milestone for OCEF in the coming year, the 20th anniversary.
Mao Jialing, a high school student in Jiangxi, is one of over 40,000 students, whom OCEF has helped throughout the past 19 years. Perhaps similar to millions of other financially disadvantaged children in rural China, Jialing has encountered numerous obstacles before making her dream of going to school become true. Fortunately, unlike many others, Jialin has been able to attend school and continue her pursuit of education with financial aids distributed by OCEF. She remains grateful and faithful for life, “Although my parents are disabled, they provide me a home full of love, optimism and wisdom.”
In a letter to OCEF, Jialing wrote, “Whether you are a brother or sister around my age, uncle or aunt who has a lot more life experience than mine, from the bottom of my heart, you are all my dear friends! Thank you very much for your help!” It is your support that enables her to complete high school, take the college entrance examination, and look forward to a bright future.
Despite the recent global economic downturn, OCEF has received tremendous support in the past year, and proudly accomplished the following projects:
- Financial aid packages for 2,499 grade 1-9 students, 1,031 college students and 135 teachers
- 2 schools for construction development and infrastructure improvements
- 18 brand new rural libraries and 10,885 books to 41 existing rural libraries
Behind the statistics, there are countless moving stories such as Jialing’s. OCEF programs have continuously demonstrated to be the education lifelines for thousands of people, including students, teachers and often times their respective family members. We are honored to recognize you for playing a vital role in our devotion to rural China education.
Today, we wish again to have your generous donation, in any amount that you care to provide.
Thank you for trusting OCEF on making education assistance more accessible to students and teachers in rural China!
Gan Liang, Ph. D.
President & CEO of OCEF
For more information and highlights of recent funding projects, please click here.
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- 2016/11/24 - 感恩有你!
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- 2016/09/26 - 邀请湾区朋友参加OCEF Run4Kids助学活动
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- 2016/08/19 - OCEF义工与您面对面——杨敏
- 2016/08/18 - OCEF一线风采 —— 心里永远住着小村庄
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- 2016/08/02 - OCEF一线采风——你好 共丰!
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- 2016/07/26 - 网络募书:雅墨书香,爱传千里 ——河南省安阳县安丰乡渔洋小学募书倡议
- 2016/07/22 - 爱心传递,墨香悠远 ——倮可母小学传书仪式记
- 2016/07/17 - 我与OCEF的故事
- 2016/07/14 - OCEF一线采风——“写在即将离别之际”
- 2016/07/11 - 喜欢文字、美术和孩子的你,加盟《乡村少儿》公益杂志吧!
- 2016/07/10 - 投身慈善二十二载的人生感悟
- 2016/07/08 - OCEF一线采风 –– 回信里的夏天
- 2016/06/25 - 方玮娅接替关偲然担任监察探访部部长
- 2016/06/20 - 关于助学金项目部赵丹萍担任副主管、宋波担任申请审核组副组长,以及设立助学金图书资助组并由张华担任组长等有关事项的公告
- 2016/06/14 - 放飞的梦想,被您点亮--OCEF教师资助募捐计划
- 2016/06/03 - OCEF一线采风 –– 暑期支教给乡村孩子带来了什么?
- 2016/05/28 - 募书|| 一位乡村教师的心愿
- 2016/05/25 - OCEF义工与您面对面 - 赵磊&张冰君
- 2016/05/22 - 香港慈善跑捐款使用反馈--为爱起跑建校园
- 2016/05/09 - 芝加哥义卖活动:您的旧物件让我们来义卖助学
- 2016/05/01 - 来吧,为上湾完小的孩子“书”送希望
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- 2016/04/18 - 关于OCEF数据丢失事故的通知
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- 2016/03/27 - OCEF一线采风 – “关注的力量” 暨OCEF支教老师的内心独白
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- 2016/03/09 -【公告】郭浩宇代理会员捐款人服务部主管,赵晓茜代理宣传部主管和鲍旻昕担任特殊募捐小组副组长
- 2016/03/06 - 2016年暑期支教夏令营开始招募义工啦!
- 2016/03/06 - OCEF一线采风 – 义工认捐送温暖,雪中送炭显真情
- 2016/03/01 - 小红包,大爱心 – 感谢您的爱心奉献
- 2016/02/08 - 2016 小红包 大爱心
- 2016/01/26 - OCEF Hike4Kids部分捐款使用反馈
- 2016/01/25 - 2016情人节相约奥城马拉松
- 2016/01/24 - OCEF义工与您面对面 – 刘秀篇
- 2016/01/22 - 【公告】赵晓茜任宣传部副部长,沈苇任IT部副部长
- 2014/11/29 - 孙文波任网络募书组副组长
- 2014/11/19 - 图书资助项目部下辖教师培训项目成立
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- 2014/11/09 - 张东升辞去OCEF理事职务
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- 2014/10/27 - 为山东成庄小学建校项目奔跑:期待您的支持
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- 2014/09/27 - 有关刘秀任OCEF副会长、执行委员会委员和中国事务委员会主席的任命
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- 2014/08/15 - 四川简阳市武庙乡走访报告
- 2014/08/13 - 理事会批准通过《OCEF资金管理原则》
- 2014/08/07 - 支教之那里的星空 - 柴门义工手记
- 2014/08/07 - 柴门行
- 2014/07/30 - 关于赵丹萍担任助学金项目部人力协调组组长等有关任命
- 2014/07/16 - 支教的‘教’与‘学’
- 2014/07/14 - 有关募捐部、分支机构管理委员会和海外人力部的任命
- 2014/07/13 - 支教的柴米油盐二三事
- 2014/07/12 - 我们在甘肃「遇见」-- OCEF2014支教团在行动中
- 2014/07/07 - 柴门中学网络课堂文艺汇演,7月8日晚8点直播,敬请观看!
- 2014/05/30 - 募捐活动预告:GlobalGiving Microsoft YouthSpark Bonus Day 微软 YouthSpark 奖金日竞赛
- 2014/05/28 - 做一个愿意帮助他人的人
- 2014/05/23 - 理事会成员变动
- 2014/05/05 - 中国事务助学金组和高中生奖学金组合并为助学金项目部
- 2014/05/05 - 理事会批准通过《OCEF对于地方组举办筹款或宣传活动的原则和规定》
- 2014/05/05 - 理事会批准通过《OCEF公务旅行规定和执行办法》
- 2014/04/22 - 孙静任休斯顿分会会长
- 2014/04/21 - 姜山任OCEF回信组副组长
- 2014/03/19 - 2014 暑期支教: 山高路远,你准备好了么?
- 2014/03/18 - 杨凡任财务组副组长
- 2014/01/30 - OCEF成立网络募书组
- 2014/01/19 - 关于海外中国教育基金会受益群体的声明
- 2013/12/16 - 有关特殊募捐小组、图书项目组、IT 组的任命
- 2013/12/11 - 关偲然接任监察组组长
- 2013/12/09 - 远程课堂:知识就在指尖
- 2013/12/04 - 赵莹接任海外人力组组长
- 2013/12/02 - $10 变 $60,跟我们一起 GivingTuesday
- 2013/11/22 - 沈红梅、张霖峰分别接任宣传组、募捐组组长
- 2013/11/20 - 《乡村少儿》主编、副主编人事调整
- 2013/11/20 - 义工剧红接任回信组组长
- 2013/11/19 - 刘庚、束弋担任会员和捐款人服务组副组长
- 2013/11/15 - 第十三届理事会批准任命副会长、执行委员会委员
- 2013/11/11 - 理事会选举产生第十三届理事会会长等主要职务
- 2013/11/07 - OCEF 主要负责人选举和任命事宜延期说明
- 2013/11/05 - 2013 年秋季资助学生一对一选择现已开放
- 2013/11/01 - 二〇一三年第十三届理事会理事选举投票结果公告
- 2013/10/20 - 休斯顿儿童绘画大赛圆满落幕
- 2013/10/19 - OCEF 雨中年度野餐会 魅力不减
- 2013/10/13 - Houston 中文演讲比赛可选稿件
- 2013/10/02 - 理事候选人名单及简介
- 2013/09/17 - 第十三届理事会选举正式开始
- 2013/09/09 - 【公告】张庭担任助学组副组长
- 2013/08/29 - GlobalGiving Open Challenge
- 2013/08/29 - 【公告】张冰君担任网站组组长
- 2013/08/27 - 【公告】吴翔担任海外人力组副组长
- 2013/08/19 - 圣迭戈:2013年度野餐会
- 2013/05/01 - 【理事会公告】通过动议 B13-007 增选曹梦珲(David Cao)为 OCEF 第12届理事会理事
- 2013/04/25 - 背着娃娃上课的教师 – 贵州省毕节市织金县家乐小学江律君
- 2013/04/25 - 【公告】张东升担任OCEF副会长
- 2013/04/15 - 海外中国教育基金会与巴金故居的联合募书活动
- 2013/04/10 - OCEF 拟定并通过监察准则
- 2013/04/07 - 【公告】OCEF新建Communication&Marketing组(媒体组)及相应功能组结构调整
- 2013/02/22 - OCEF 蛇年新春慈善拍卖音乐会
- 2013/02/15 - 【公告】李鲁航担任地方组组长
- 2012/12/18 - OCEF中国事务协调委员会主席卓韵宝在山西广灵与受助同学迎圣诞
- 2012/12/14 - OCEF助学金在陕西渭南富平县顺利发放
- 2012/12/12 - OCEF副会长卓韵宝到江西遂川县走访受助学生
- 2012/11/16 - 【公告】关偲然辞去募捐组组长、转至中国事务组工作
- 2012/11/13 - 【公告】桂红宁担任副财务长
- 2012/11/12 - 【公告】顾莹担任网络募捐组组长,陈飞龙担任网络募捐组副组长
- 2012/10/27 - 【公告】张进担任IT组副组长
- 2012/10/25 - OCEF与2012年SABPA野餐会
- 2012/10/22 - 2012年金秋 OCEF募捐倡议书
- 2012/09/29 - 曹梦珲,顾莹担任募捐组副组长
- 2012/08/29 - 成都第六期亲近母语儿童阅读种子教师研习营
- 2012/08/19 - 【公告】桂红宁担任财务组副组长
- 2012/08/14 - 病人和村医是头等事---记贵州织金协调员赵德琴
- 2012/08/09 - OCEF举办"爱上阅读"暑期阅读夏令营
- 2012/08/07 - 【公告】金谱接任狄盛潇,担任助学组组长
- 2012/07/20 - 西部贫困学生辍学潮 -- 新闻摘录
- 2012/07/18 - 2012 山西省忻州市河曲县葛真龙联校伙食改善项目
- 2012/07/17 -【公告】李魯航出任LBMC副组长
- 2012/07/16 -【公告】张计鹏,徐志伟和姜梦阳的任命
- 2012/07/02 - 孙国良担任高中组组长和黄晓帆担任中国事务委员会副主席
- 2012/06/12 - 海外中国教育基金会2011年度工作报告发布
- 2012/06/07 - 王新峰担任监察组副组长
- 2012/06/04 - 金谱担任助学组副组长
- 2012/05/29 - 义工柯军担任中国人力组副组长
- 2012/05/09 - 周骏辞去教师项目组长,黄晓帆任代组长
- 2012/04/12 - “青春•梦想•因爱不同”爱心捐书活动
- 2012/04/12 - 中国人力组组长于尧平离职,义工黄晓帆担任组长,义工朱丽君担任副组长
- 2012/04/12 - 监察组组长马南暂离,义工薛英担任监察组代组长
- 2012/03/30 - 图书组老师参加全国第八届班级读书会
- 2012/03/22 - Raise $6,500: Build-a-library for Minghua Elementary in Guizhou, China
- 2012/03/14 - 大朋友项目——义工陈志强的回信
- 2012/03/04 - 贵州织金中山小学7名民办教师将获得每月1900元的工资补贴
- 2012/02/28 - 义工吴赣担任特殊项目组组长
- 2012/02/24 - 贵州织金协调员与中山小学4年级学生张胜岚参加“2011 三农记忆”晚会
- 2012/02/09 - 2011年建校特殊项目汇总报告
- 2012/01/19 - 一路风雨一路歌 -- 2011年下半年家乐小学从教手记
- 2012/01/19 - OCEF 颁发2011年度义工服务奖
- 2012/01/12 - 湖南岳阳平江县东港小学的感谢信和反馈照片
- 2012/01/05 - OCEF《乡村少儿》人事调整
- 2011/12/20 -【公告】义工狄盛潇担任助学组副组长
- 2011/12/14 - 黑龙江齐齐哈尔市杜蒙县的高中、助学金和图书资助项目的新闻报道
- 2011/12/01 -“爱与分享”作品征集活动圆满结束
- 2011/10/12 - OCEF出版2010年年度报告
- 2011/09/12 - OCEF地区分支机构管理委员会在美国各地组织宣传活动
- 2011/08/24 - 2011年秋季开学前OCEF为10个学校图书室购买新书
- 2011/07/17 - 义工孙国良(达行天下)担任高中组副组长
- 2011/07/16 - 义工张计鹏担任兼职长期义工
- 2011/07/16 - 义工李铮担任特殊项目组副组长
- 2011/07/16 - 义工贺庆担任中国事务委员会委员
- 2011/07/16 - 义工刘倩担任中国事务委员会副主席
- 2011/07/16 - 熊兰瑛辞去基金会理事会一切职务
- 2011/07/16 - OCEF理事会增选卓韵宝和魏庆泓为执行委员会委员
- 2011/06 - OCEF资助贵州织金西湖小学照明工程
- 2011/06/07 - 贵州织金协调员赵德琴老师参加北戴河中国民间图书馆论坛
- 2011/06/05 - 义工蔡波恩担任助学组副组长
- 2011/06/05 - 义工王新峰担任中国人力组副组长
- 2011/05/16 - 王安雯辞去理事会一切职务
- 2011/05/15 - OCEF参加“阅读的力量”研讨会
- 2011/04/28 - OCEF六名一线老师参加深耕阅读培训会
- 2011/04/09 - 义工张传智担任监察组副组长
- 2011/04/02 - 上海义工周骏担任教师组组长
- 2011/02/09 - OCEF提交CCG捐款使用报告
- 2010/12/23 - 义工于尧平担任中国人力组副组长
- 2010/12/09 - 在贫瘠的土地上开花结果——海外中国教育基金会资助沙畈乡贫困学生十周年侧记
- 2010/12/07 - OCEF将资助建设山西麻田小学心连心图书室
- 2010/12/01 - 2009年OCEF年度报告发布
- 2010/10/21 - 四川马边苏坝中学2010年秋季助学金发款完成
- 2010/10/20 - 刘秀担任中国事务协调委员会副主席
- 2010/09/30 - 义工Vicky Kwan担任募捐组副组长
- 2010/08/14 - 芝加哥小组向孩子们介绍OCEF
- 2010/08/01 - 走访定陶县留守儿童学校
- 2010/07/23 - 新疆义工薛英担任OCEF中国人力组组长
- 2010/07/22 - 王安雯辞去中国事务委员会主席,熊兰瑛任代主席
- 2010/06/16 - OCEF理事会通过《海外中国教育基金会表彰条例》修订案
- 2010/05/24 - 义工欧阳美梅担任公共关系组副组长
- 2010/05/20 - OCEF and HELP Fought Drought in Sichuan
- 2010/05/20 - OCEF与自然.人基金会合作,为旱区小学修建饮水池和浴室
- 2010/05/20 -上海义工卓韵宝担任中国事务委员会副主席和助学组组组长
- 2010/05/19 - 义工韩东霖和何琳担任网站组组长和副组长
- 2010/04/24 - OCEF关于玉树地震的说明
- 2010/04/13 - 义工沈红梅担任公共关系组组长
- 2010/04/03 - 义工魏庆泓任OCEF理事会副秘书长
- 2010/03/17 - 张睿担任会员和捐款人服务组副组长
- 2010/03/15 - 图书简报09年第四期完成
- 2010/03/13 - 第十期OCEF义工简报发布
- 2010/02/25 - OCEF理事会增选魏庆泓、马南和卓韵宝为理事会成员
- 2010/02/22 - 刘宇昆担任基金会法律顾问
- 2010/02/22 - 沈红梅担任公共关系组副组长
- 2010/02/19 - OCEF长期义工招募启事
- 2010/01/30 - OCEF 谢谢大家热心的支持--明天会更好
- 2010/01/19 - 还剩下三天!请邀请更多的朋友投票给OCEF!
- 2010/01/14 - 您的一票点亮梦想:支持OCEF,为乡村孩子赢100万!
- 2010/01/03 - 最新人事调整:IT组和募捐组下辖网络募捐小组
- 2009/12/21 - OCEF赢得CCG比赛第一轮胜利
- 2009/12/04 - 第十一届理事会和执行委员会下属功能组和委员会及主要负责人产生
- 2009/11/30 - 美国慈善募捐挑战赛落幕 OCEF夺得总冠军
- 2009/11/17 - 理事会选举产生第十一届理事会会长等主要职务
- 2009/11/10 - 关于America's Giving Challenge募捐处理的说明
- 2009/11/06 - America's Giving Challenge落幕,感谢大家的支持
- 2009/11/01 - 全力以赴, 争取第一
- 2009/10/26 - 关于America's Giving Challenge的几点说明
- 2009/10/20 - 募捐竞赛上暂居第一!
- 2009/10/18 - 2009年OCEF换届选举结束
- 2009/09/26 - 2009年换届选举开始投票
- 2009/09/22 - OCEF开展2009秋季募捐活动
- 2009/09/13 - 义工魏庆泓任公关组组长
- 2009/09/04 - 2008年度工作报告
- 2009/09/01 - 2009 年OCEF换届选举通知
- 2009/08/30 - 赵长聪接任募捐组组长
- 2009/08/27 - OCEF理事会增选赵长聪和张东生为理事会成员
- 2009/07/18 - OCEF理事会增选熊兰瑛为理事会成员
- 2009/07/17 - OCEF招募长期监察员
- 2009/07/15 - 募捐组和分支机构委员会对于在各地开展募捐活动的倡议
- 2009/07/10 - 增补北京义工马南为监察组副组长
- 2009/06/03 - OCEF Dallas义工组成立
- 2009/06/02 - 陈世仪当选OCEF休斯顿分会代会长
- 2009/06/02 - 增补赵长聪和莫一非为OCEF募捐组副组长
- 2009/05/17 - 沈中获选OCEF理事会执行委员会委员
- 2009/04/29 - 最新人事调整:中国事务委员会和监察组
- 2009/04/05 - 5.12地震捐款全部汇出
- 2009/04/03 - OCEF重新组建募捐组
- 2009/03/23 - 赈灾跟踪报导: 重建项目--大夫红十字博爱小学
- 2009/03/14 - OCEF启动义工和捐赠人激励机制
- 2009/03/06 - OCEF公共关系小组成立
- 2009/02/19 - 张东生接任地区分支机构管理委员会主席
- 2009/01/21 - OCEF理事会增选沈中为理事会成员
2008/12/17 - 前会长郭浩宇荣任OCEF首位荣誉理事
2008/11/30 - 最新OCEF义工简报(第三期)
2008/11/27 - OCEF荣获“中国红十字人道服务奖”
2008/11/22 - OCEF休斯顿分会恢复成立
2008/11/17 - OCEF最新人事调整
2008/11/08 - OCEF开展2008秋季募捐活动
2008/11/07 - OCEF理事会一致同意增选3新理事
2008/11/04 - OCEF 四川大地震救灾募捐活动顺利结束
2008/09/29 - 最新OCEF义工简报(第二期)
2008/08/10 - OCEF芝加哥分会积极参加社区长跑比赛
2008/06/07 - OCEF芝加哥分会在美中协会迷你奥运会篮球比赛中宣传
2008/06/02 - OCEF 四川大地震募捐活动进展
2008/05/15 - OCEF 决定为四川大地震开展募捐活动
2008/04/22 - 基金会日前对新学年资助方向做出调整
2008/04/21 - 基金会日前对两免一补落实情况的调查及结果
2008/04/04 - 海外中国教育基金会通讯vol17 (2008年3月)
2008/03/22 - 海外中国教育基金会北加分会完成2008年理事会更替选举
2007/11/12 - 理事会通过资金用途规定
2007/10/24 - 基金会理事会及主要负责人的换届交替工作顺利完成和基金会选举主要负责人员
2007/10/12 - OCEF第十届理事会选举结果通告
2007/07/02 - OCEF中国事务委员会2006年年度报告
2007/07/02 - OCEF北加州2007春季爱心助学Hiking (2007/05/05)
2007/01/31 - 图书简报第11期
2006/06/15 - 郑思斯接替高宁担任中国人力组长
2006/05/15 - OCEF加拿大2006/05 Picture Exhibition
2006/04/21 - OCEF休斯顿2006/05春季野餐会
2006/04/20 - 宣传材料更新
2006/04/15 - 2006/05 AUSTIN 爱心野餐会
2006/04/15 - 陈世仪当选财务长,唐华荣当选秘书长
2006/01/29 - 缪玉亭辞去募捐组组长职务,梁京担任募捐组组长
2006/01/27 - 基金会任命代理财务长和代理秘书长
2006/01/23 - 图书简报 2006 年新年特刊
2006/01/20 - 梁敢教授卸任海外中国教育基金会会长
Please see 发展历史.
@Oct 05, 2024 19:20 pm CDT
Yitong Song
United Way
Pacific Gas & Electronic Company
Fidelity Charitable
Bright Funds Foundation
CAFA Charities Aid Foundation of America
Shouchun Li