GlobalGiving慈善公开挑战赛: OCEF一举夺冠
最新战况 Latest Update:
9月1日,GlobalGiving Open Challenge正式开赛。OCEF在开赛两小时内即成功获得$500奖金!
首日角逐的是$500美元的Champion Donors奖金。捐款人再拉到另一个捐款人后,即成为
Champion Donor。最先达到25个Champion Donor的10个组织各获得奖金$500。
更艰巨的任务还在后面。到了Bonus Day,我们是否能冲击单日最高捐款额和最多捐款人数各
San Francisco, Sept. 1, 2013— Within just two hours of the GlobalGiving Open Challenge, OCEF
already received donations from 29 champion donors (one donor + a referred 2
won $500 bonus prize.
Our victory could not be possible without the support of our volunteers all over the U.S., and
even from China! They stayed up late to participate, one of whom did so while on her labor-day
camping trip!
Can we continue our victory in the next 29 days? We need your help to make this possible.
Please visit here:
为期一月的GlobalGiving Open Challenge在9月30日落下帷幕。在全体义工和捐款人的大力支持下,OCEF勇夺竞赛总冠军,包揽了最高捐款额(奖金$3,000) 和最多捐款人(奖金$2,000)两项桂冠、9月10日奖金日冠军(奖金$2000)、9月1日Champion Donor冠军(奖金$500)以及两次奖金日的配捐奖金$2,284。最终,OCEF在402位支持者那里募集了$33,427捐款(不包括奖金)。
欢迎大家继续关注我们的网站和其他各大沟通平台(Facebook, Twitter @OCEForg, LinkedIn, 新浪微博、腾讯微信).
GlobalGiving Open Challenge: We WON!
OCEF claimed the final victory at midnight on Sept. 30. In the past 30 days, 402 of you came out and poured your support for our cause, donating $33,427 and pushing us to bring home a total of $7,500 bonuses and awards: including $3,000 for most donations award, $2,000 for most donors award, $2,000 for Sept. 10 bonus-day champion, $500 for Sept. 1 Champion Donor award, and $2,284 matching bonuses.
You were our secret weapon. Our assumed last-day victory would have been snatched away by the second ranked organization, if it was not for your continued enthusiastic support until the very last minute.
Last night was only the end of the race. But the real race to improve rural education in China continues.
Every penny you donated will be accounted for and used where it is most needed, be it a book, a chair, a schoolbag, or a school building.
Please visit our website and all other social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter @OCEForg, LinkedIn, Weibo, and WeChat) for updates of our impact in China.
最新战况 Latest Update:
==== 9月29日 ====
GGOC赛事大结局即将揭晓:最后一天, 谁与争锋?
在本月累计募得捐款额度最大的前三名组织将分获 $3,000, $2,000, $1,000。同时,累计捐款人最多的组织再获奖金 $2,000。
排行榜(Leader Board):
捐款链接(Link to Donate):
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 29, 2013 — GlobalGiving Open Challenge is set to reveal the final winner on Sept. 30 (EST 23:59). As of now, OCEF has garnered total donations of $27,012, leading the race by a small margin over the 2nd ranked organization Aid Afghanistan for Education ($24,775). With only one day to go, we continue to ask for your support. One donation will help rural kids in China a long way.
Top 3 organizations with most donations in the whole month win respectively: $3,000, $2,000, $1,000; The organization with most donors wins: $2,000。
==== 9月17日 ====
GGOC大赛的“惊喜奖金日”(Surprise Bonus Day)定在本周五9/20(美东时间凌晨12:01am开始),规则与9/10第一个“奖金日”(Bonus Day)一样。GlobalGiving提供25%的配捐(最低捐款25美金,最高1,000美金),总配捐额为3,000美金。我们期待大家继续热情参与和慷慨解囊。请在当天及早捐款,再次帮助我们胜出竞赛。谢谢大家!
9月20日Bonus Day排行榜:
竞赛总排名 Leader Board:
San Francisco, Sept. 17, 2013 — GlobalGiving Open Challenge Surprise Bonus Day is set on Sept. 20 (EST 12:00 a.m.)! The same rules apply, GlobalGiving providing 25% matching fund, up to $3,000. We look forward to your continued support. Donate EARLY. WIN for rural school children in China!
==== 9月10日 ====
9月10日东岸凌晨OCEF在众义工、捐款人的支持下,一举夺下$2,194的配捐奖金,同时囊括最多募捐金和最多捐款人两项奖金各$1,000. 目前在GlobalGiving慈善竞赛中稳居第一名。
我们期待您在接下来的20天内继续关注我们的赛事,尤其是”惊喜奖金日(Surprise Bonus Day)” 和 9月30日 (竞赛闭幕日)。让我们一起改变中国的乡村教育。
San Francisco, Sept. 10, 2013 — GlobalGiving Open Challenge Bonus Day Sept. 10 (EST 12:00 a.m.) marked another spectacular success for OCEF. Within minutes after midnight, OCEF received more than $10,000 of donations, bringing in $2,194 matching grant, $1,000 prize for most funds raised, and $1,000 prize for most unique donors. We are ranked #1 on the leader board.
Only 10 days into the race, OCEF has raised $23,652 in donations and prizes, with 301 unique donors. This could not have been possible, without your support. We hope you will continue to do so in the next 20 days. Together, we CAN transform rural school children’s lives across the globe.
Days to Watch: SURPRISE BONUS DAY & Sept. 30 (Final Day).
Stay tuned.
==== 9月9日 ====
Bonus Day: 抢奖金,拼排名,一战定江山!
感谢您对OCEF参加这次GlobalGiving Open Challenge (GGOC)慈善竞赛的大力支持!上个星期,在我们发出捐款呼吁信之后,大家在一天内就通过GGOC网站捐出了4,000多美元,使OCEF的排名从第31位一举跃升到了第1位,并第一个从资格赛胜出。您是OCEF最可靠的后盾,最可爱的战友,是我们不断取得进步的基石!
其中,美国东部时间9月10日将是GlobalGiving慈善挑战赛的 Bonus Day(奖金放送日),请您关注!
Bonus Day排行榜:
Bonus Day 主要奖项有:
1. 对于$25-$1,000内的每笔捐款,GlobalGiving网站会提供捐款数额25%的匹配,配送总额$3,000,送完为止。希望您在当天尽早捐款,在匹配基金用光前捐出,为OCEF争取尽量多的配额,尤其是大额捐款。
2. 捐款总额冠军:对当天获得捐款总额第一的慈善组织,主办方将奖励$1,000。
3. 捐款人数冠军:对当天参与捐款人数第一的慈善组织,主办方将奖励$1,000。
thank you for your amazing support for OCEF's participation in the GlobalGiving Open Challenge (GGOC) charity competition! Last week, right after we had sent out the e-mail annoucing this event and calling for your support, you came through with more than $4,000 in donations over the following day, which propelled us from the 31st place in total funds raised to the very top of the compietition, and made us the first organization in the competition to surpass the qualification requirements. Needless to say, you are the rock on which all of OCEF's successes have been and will be built on, and the best teammates we could ever hope for!
The competition still has 20 more days to run, and we hope you will be with us all the way.
Now, as you may recall, next Tuesday, September 10, is going to be a very special day in this competition, known as Bonus Day. On that day, the organizer of the competition,, will be offering the following incentives and bonuses:
- A 25% match for all donations between $25 and $1,000, until the total matching grant of $3,000 is used up. (In light of this, we urge our donors to strike early on that day, especially if you have a large donation in mind, and secure as much of the matching grant as possible before it runs out.)
- A $1,000 bonus for the charity organization that raises the most funds during the day.
- Another $1,000 bonus for the organization with the most donors contributing during the day.
Here are a few things to keep in mind about Bonus Day:
- Timeframe: From 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 EDT on Tuesday, September 10
- Eligible Donations: $25 or more
- Donation Link:
- Bonus Day Ranking:
==== 9月5日 ====
我们向我们的捐款人发出了"请捐$10,帮OCEF赢得$7,500"的电子邮件后, 数小时之内,OCEF的排名从27位迅速攀升到了第3位,独立捐款人数排名第一,为131位,遥遥领先于第二名(55位)。
如果您想要继续支持我们,请不要忘记在bonus day当天,9月10日,美东时间凌晨12:01am,中部时间9月9日11:01PM,太平洋时间9月9日9:01PM,中国北京时间9月10日中午12:01,捐出不少于$25来赢得25%的配捐奖金!
Only hours after our email appeal to our donors and volunteers "Donate $10. Help us Win $7,500," our GlobalGiving unique donors jumped to 131! We're ranked #3 as of this moment!
A heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you! Reminder: Bonus Day is Sept. 10 EST 12:01 a.m. If you wanna continue supporting us, don't forget to donate on that day to get 25% GlobalGiving matching.
Click here for rankings.
==== 9月1日 ====
9月1日,GlobalGiving Open Challenge正式开赛。OCEF在开赛两小时内即成功获得$500奖金!
首日角逐的是$500美元的Champion Donors奖金。捐款人再拉到另一个捐款人后,即成为Champion Donor。最先达到25个Champion Donor的10个组织各获得奖金$500。
首日告捷,OCEF继续延续着自己在慈善竞赛中的辉煌。但是,这只是30日漫漫征途中的第一步,更艰巨的任务还在后面。到了Bonus Day,我们是否能冲击单日最高捐款额和最多捐款人数各$1,000的奖金?我们是否能在仅有的$3,000的匹配基金中争取到最大的份额?只靠这几十名义工可能吗?答案当然是否定的,我们必须得到最广泛的支持,动员最广泛的力量,才能在345个参赛组织中脱颖而出。
请您加入我们,一起为我们宣传、呐喊,一起铸就所有人共享的荣光!请继续关注并参与Bonus Day的战役!
San Francisco, Sept. 1, 2013— Within just two hours of the GlobalGiving Open Challenge, OCEF already received donations from 29 champion donors (one donor + a referred 2nd donor) and won $500 bonus prize.
Our victory could not be possible without the support of our volunteers all over the U.S., and even from China! They stayed up late to participate, one of whom did so while on her labor-day camping trip!
Can we continue our victory in the next 29 days? We need your help to make this possible. Please visit here:
==== 竞赛信息 ====
GlobalGiving网站收取的手续费:15% (Note: GlobalGiving网站的bonus day有25% match,去抵消部分手续费,我们还是有赚头)。
==== 奖金构成 ====
捐款额前三名的组织获奖金: $3,000, $2,000, $1,000
捐款人最多的组织获奖金: $2,000
竞赛首日Champion Donors奖金: $500 (前10个达到25个Champion Donors的组织)
我捐$10,把referral link送给朋友。你通过link捐$10,我就变成Champion Donor。
==== Bonus Day 细则 (奖金日) ====
最低捐款金额: 每笔捐款必须不少于$25
Bonus: GlobalGiving网站对于$25-$1000内的每笔捐款款项,会提供25%的捐款匹配,总额$3000。所有参赛组织共享$3,000匹配基金,之前竞赛会在4-5小时内用光。
奖金日捐款额最高的组织获奖金: $1,000
奖金日捐款人最多的组织获奖金: $1,000
Surprise Bonus: 目前尚未发布,会email通知参赛组织
为期一月的GlobalGiving Open Challenge在9月30日落下帷幕。在全体义工和捐款人的大力支持下,OCEF勇夺竞赛总冠军,包揽了最高捐款额(奖金$3,000) 和最多捐款人(奖金$2,000)两项桂冠、9月10日奖金日冠军(奖金$2000)、9月1日Champion Donor冠军(奖金$500)以及两次奖金日的配捐奖金$2,284。最终,OCEF在402位支持者那里募集了$33,427捐款(不包括奖金)。
欢迎大家继续关注我们的网站和其他各大沟通平台(Facebook, Twitter @OCEForg, LinkedIn, 新浪微博、腾讯微信).
GlobalGiving Open Challenge: We WON!
OCEF claimed the final victory at midnight on Sept. 30. In the past 30 days, 402 of you came out and poured your support for our cause, donating $33,427 and pushing us to bring home a total of $7,500 bonuses and awards: including $3,000 for most donations award, $2,000 for most donors award, $2,000 for Sept. 10 bonus-day champion, $500 for Sept. 1 Champion Donor award, and $2,284 matching bonuses.
You were our secret weapon. Our assumed last-day victory would have been snatched away by the second ranked organization, if it was not for your continued enthusiastic support until the very last minute.
Last night was only the end of the race. But the real race to improve rural education in China continues.
Every penny you donated will be accounted for and used where it is most needed, be it a book, a chair, a schoolbag, or a school building.
Please visit our website and all other social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter @OCEForg, LinkedIn, Weibo, and WeChat) for updates of our impact in China.
最新战况 Latest Update:
==== 9月29日 ====
GGOC赛事大结局即将揭晓:最后一天, 谁与争锋?
在本月累计募得捐款额度最大的前三名组织将分获 $3,000, $2,000, $1,000。同时,累计捐款人最多的组织再获奖金 $2,000。
排行榜(Leader Board):
捐款链接(Link to Donate):
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 29, 2013 — GlobalGiving Open Challenge is set to reveal the final winner on Sept. 30 (EST 23:59). As of now, OCEF has garnered total donations of $27,012, leading the race by a small margin over the 2nd ranked organization Aid Afghanistan for Education ($24,775). With only one day to go, we continue to ask for your support. One donation will help rural kids in China a long way.
Top 3 organizations with most donations in the whole month win respectively: $3,000, $2,000, $1,000; The organization with most donors wins: $2,000。
==== 9月17日 ====
GGOC大赛的“惊喜奖金日”(Surprise Bonus Day)定在本周五9/20(美东时间凌晨12:01am开始),规则与9/10第一个“奖金日”(Bonus Day)一样。GlobalGiving提供25%的配捐(最低捐款25美金,最高1,000美金),总配捐额为3,000美金。我们期待大家继续热情参与和慷慨解囊。请在当天及早捐款,再次帮助我们胜出竞赛。谢谢大家!
9月20日Bonus Day排行榜:
竞赛总排名 Leader Board:
San Francisco, Sept. 17, 2013 — GlobalGiving Open Challenge Surprise Bonus Day is set on Sept. 20 (EST 12:00 a.m.)! The same rules apply, GlobalGiving providing 25% matching fund, up to $3,000. We look forward to your continued support. Donate EARLY. WIN for rural school children in China!
==== 9月10日 ====
9月10日东岸凌晨OCEF在众义工、捐款人的支持下,一举夺下$2,194的配捐奖金,同时囊括最多募捐金和最多捐款人两项奖金各$1,000. 目前在GlobalGiving慈善竞赛中稳居第一名。
我们期待您在接下来的20天内继续关注我们的赛事,尤其是”惊喜奖金日(Surprise Bonus Day)” 和 9月30日 (竞赛闭幕日)。让我们一起改变中国的乡村教育。
San Francisco, Sept. 10, 2013 — GlobalGiving Open Challenge Bonus Day Sept. 10 (EST 12:00 a.m.) marked another spectacular success for OCEF. Within minutes after midnight, OCEF received more than $10,000 of donations, bringing in $2,194 matching grant, $1,000 prize for most funds raised, and $1,000 prize for most unique donors. We are ranked #1 on the leader board.
Only 10 days into the race, OCEF has raised $23,652 in donations and prizes, with 301 unique donors. This could not have been possible, without your support. We hope you will continue to do so in the next 20 days. Together, we CAN transform rural school children’s lives across the globe.
Days to Watch: SURPRISE BONUS DAY & Sept. 30 (Final Day).
Stay tuned.
==== 9月9日 ====
Bonus Day: 抢奖金,拼排名,一战定江山!
感谢您对OCEF参加这次GlobalGiving Open Challenge (GGOC)慈善竞赛的大力支持!上个星期,在我们发出捐款呼吁信之后,大家在一天内就通过GGOC网站捐出了4,000多美元,使OCEF的排名从第31位一举跃升到了第1位,并第一个从资格赛胜出。您是OCEF最可靠的后盾,最可爱的战友,是我们不断取得进步的基石!
其中,美国东部时间9月10日将是GlobalGiving慈善挑战赛的 Bonus Day(奖金放送日),请您关注!
Bonus Day排行榜:
Bonus Day 主要奖项有:
1. 对于$25-$1,000内的每笔捐款,GlobalGiving网站会提供捐款数额25%的匹配,配送总额$3,000,送完为止。希望您在当天尽早捐款,在匹配基金用光前捐出,为OCEF争取尽量多的配额,尤其是大额捐款。
2. 捐款总额冠军:对当天获得捐款总额第一的慈善组织,主办方将奖励$1,000。
3. 捐款人数冠军:对当天参与捐款人数第一的慈善组织,主办方将奖励$1,000。
thank you for your amazing support for OCEF's participation in the GlobalGiving Open Challenge (GGOC) charity competition! Last week, right after we had sent out the e-mail annoucing this event and calling for your support, you came through with more than $4,000 in donations over the following day, which propelled us from the 31st place in total funds raised to the very top of the compietition, and made us the first organization in the competition to surpass the qualification requirements. Needless to say, you are the rock on which all of OCEF's successes have been and will be built on, and the best teammates we could ever hope for!
The competition still has 20 more days to run, and we hope you will be with us all the way.
Now, as you may recall, next Tuesday, September 10, is going to be a very special day in this competition, known as Bonus Day. On that day, the organizer of the competition,, will be offering the following incentives and bonuses:
- A 25% match for all donations between $25 and $1,000, until the total matching grant of $3,000 is used up. (In light of this, we urge our donors to strike early on that day, especially if you have a large donation in mind, and secure as much of the matching grant as possible before it runs out.)
- A $1,000 bonus for the charity organization that raises the most funds during the day.
- Another $1,000 bonus for the organization with the most donors contributing during the day.
Here are a few things to keep in mind about Bonus Day:
- Timeframe: From 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 EDT on Tuesday, September 10
- Eligible Donations: $25 or more
- Donation Link:
- Bonus Day Ranking:
==== 9月5日 ====
我们向我们的捐款人发出了"请捐$10,帮OCEF赢得$7,500"的电子邮件后, 数小时之内,OCEF的排名从27位迅速攀升到了第3位,独立捐款人数排名第一,为131位,遥遥领先于第二名(55位)。
如果您想要继续支持我们,请不要忘记在bonus day当天,9月10日,美东时间凌晨12:01am,中部时间9月9日11:01PM,太平洋时间9月9日9:01PM,中国北京时间9月10日中午12:01,捐出不少于$25来赢得25%的配捐奖金!
Only hours after our email appeal to our donors and volunteers "Donate $10. Help us Win $7,500," our GlobalGiving unique donors jumped to 131! We're ranked #3 as of this moment!
A heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you! Reminder: Bonus Day is Sept. 10 EST 12:01 a.m. If you wanna continue supporting us, don't forget to donate on that day to get 25% GlobalGiving matching.
Click here for rankings.
==== 9月1日 ====
9月1日,GlobalGiving Open Challenge正式开赛。OCEF在开赛两小时内即成功获得$500奖金!
首日角逐的是$500美元的Champion Donors奖金。捐款人再拉到另一个捐款人后,即成为Champion Donor。最先达到25个Champion Donor的10个组织各获得奖金$500。
首日告捷,OCEF继续延续着自己在慈善竞赛中的辉煌。但是,这只是30日漫漫征途中的第一步,更艰巨的任务还在后面。到了Bonus Day,我们是否能冲击单日最高捐款额和最多捐款人数各$1,000的奖金?我们是否能在仅有的$3,000的匹配基金中争取到最大的份额?只靠这几十名义工可能吗?答案当然是否定的,我们必须得到最广泛的支持,动员最广泛的力量,才能在345个参赛组织中脱颖而出。
请您加入我们,一起为我们宣传、呐喊,一起铸就所有人共享的荣光!请继续关注并参与Bonus Day的战役!
San Francisco, Sept. 1, 2013— Within just two hours of the GlobalGiving Open Challenge, OCEF already received donations from 29 champion donors (one donor + a referred 2nd donor) and won $500 bonus prize.
Our victory could not be possible without the support of our volunteers all over the U.S., and even from China! They stayed up late to participate, one of whom did so while on her labor-day camping trip!
Can we continue our victory in the next 29 days? We need your help to make this possible. Please visit here:
捐款额前三名的组织获奖金: $3,000, $2,000, $1,000
捐款人最多的组织获奖金: $2,000
竞赛首日Champion Donors奖金: $500 (前10个达到25个Champion Donors的组织)
我捐$10,把referral link送给朋友。你通过link捐$10,我就变成Champion Donor。
==== Bonus Day 细则 (奖金日) ====
Bonus: GlobalGiving网站对于$25-$1000内的每笔捐款款项,会提供25%的捐款匹配,总额$3000。所有参赛组织共享$3,000匹配基金,之前竞赛会在4-5小时内用光。
奖金日捐款额最高的组织获奖金: $1,000
奖金日捐款人最多的组织获奖金: $1,000
Surprise Bonus: 目前尚未发布,会email通知参赛组织