捐款人快讯 2017年12月号 Donor Newsflash Dec 2017






  • 项目1:资助了来自甘肃、内蒙古、宁夏、山西、陕西、贵州、江西、黑龙江、四川、云南、湖南、河南等12个省份贫困地区的150多名农村高中学生每人350美元;其中有人已经顺利毕业并考入大学。因为高中大多集中在各县县城,大部分学生必须住校,昂贵的食宿费用,再加上高中不在九年制义务教育涵盖之内,每个学生每年至少需要五六千元人民币的开支,是农村贫困家庭的巨大负担。很多品学兼优的学生因此辍学,早早的选择低端谋生之路。谷歌和谷歌员工的资助,使得一部分贫困学生能够安心地接受三年中等教育,或者考上大学,或者高中毕业再去打工,都可以有一个较高的起点,人生道路少些崎岖与沟壑。许多学生的反馈来信中,都提到了这笔钱对他们求学的重要性。除了经济上的支持,更多的是精神上的巨大鼓励,像一束光、一颗星,帮助他们看清前程。
  • 项目2:资助了五名编制外农村代课教师。他们是甘肃会宁县王老师、宁夏海原高老师、河南栾川县李老师、河南嵩县许老师与杜老师。他们每年收到6,000元人民币的资助,帮助他们长期扎根在贫困地区教学,惠及更多的学生。王老师的哥哥也是一名教师,因病去世后,常山教学点的孩子们面临着辍学,于是王老师放弃了在外地打工每个月500多元的收入,回到贫困的乡村,拿着当时的每个月仅有15元人民币的工资。后来工资逐渐涨到了每个月200元,但从2011年开始就再未涨过。现在的家庭经济收入主要依靠务农和妻子外出打工的每年3,000元,还需要供两个孩子上学。我们的资助对这些默默奉献的代课教师非常重要;王老师如果离开,学校就倒掉了,部分学生就有可能失学
  • 项目3:为广西融水旺安小学更换了200套使用了二三十年的陈旧破烂的课桌椅。每套140元,加运费等合计30,825.8元。


Google Giving Week 2017

Between November 27 and December 1, 2017, Google launched its annual Google Giving Week again. OCEF had participated in the event in the past two years and raised donations totaling $108,000 and $114,313, respectively, all of which has been put to use in our school aid programs. This time around, thanks partially to a great campaign by a few Googlers who are also OCEF volunteers, over 500 Google associates donated generously to OCEF. Combined with matching funds and charity vouchers from the company, OCEF was able to raise a total sum of $168,875, a 48% increase over the amount last year. OCEF would like to take this opportunity to thank Google and its associates wholeheartedly.

The $114,313 from Google Giving Week in 2016 constituted the largest donation OCEF had by that time ever received from a single company, and the funds have been used mainly on the three programs below:

  1. OCEF provided more than 150 rural high schoolers from impoverished areas in 12 provinces, including Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Heilongjiang, Sichuan, Yunan, Hunan and Henan, scholarships of $350 each. Some of these students have since graduated from high school and entered college. Because most senior high schools in rural regions are located at the county seats, the majority of the students have to board at school, which costs at least roughly $1,000 each year. As senior high school is not a part of the national nine-year compulsory education system, this cost becomes a huge burden to the rural families in poverty. Many students with great academic prospect had to drop out early and pick up low-end job to support their families. With the donations from Google and Googlers, some of those students in need can now afford three more years of high school education, greatly improving their opportunities in life whether they pursue further studies in college or enter the job market. In their feedback letters to OCEF, many students talked about the significance of the charity funds in their life and education. The support is not just financial, it is also spiritual, like a star that helps brighten the road to the future.
  2. OCEF provided five rural teachers who are not government-sponsored, including Teacher Wang in Huining, Gansu, Teacher Gao in Haiyuan, Ningxia, Teacher Li in Luanchuan, Henan, Teacher Xu and Teacher Du in Songxian, Henan, stipends of RMB¥6,000 each. As these rural teachers are often the only personnel at their schools, the stipends play an important role in the survival of the schools by helping the teachers stay on their jobs. Teacher Wang’s brother used to be a teacher as well, and his students were almost forced out of school when he passed away. Teacher Wang gave up his job that paid ¥500 a month and took over his brother’s teaching position, which paid only ¥15 a month initially. Later on his salary gradually increased to ¥200 a month but has remained the same since 2011. His family depends mainly on farming and his wife’s job out of town that brings home ¥3,000 a year; and they have two school-aged children of their own to support.
  3. OCEF replaced 200 sets of dilapidated desks and benches at Wang’an Elementary School in Rongshui, Guangxi, which had been in use for over 20 years. Each set costed ¥140, totally approximately ¥30,000 with shipping and handling charges.

In addition, since some Googlers chose to earmark their donations for specific programs, many other students and teachers also benefitted from Google Giving Week 2016, as did the books program. As one Googler put it last year: “Not only are we changing the world with our products, we can also alter the lives of some children with the power of charity!”


第32期(2017年12月)/No. 32 (December 2017)
翻译:何雪炀     编校:汤柏
Translated by He Xueyang      Edited by Tang Bai

海外中国教育基金会/Overseas China Education Foundation

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