捐款人快讯 2015年4月号 Donor Newsflash Apr 2015

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支教招募/Wanted: Volunteer Teachers

柴门中学有高高的白杨,有漫天的星空,有偷看我们的野猫 ,有不知周杰伦为何人、每天清晨六点就跑来教室的孩纸们,不知亚雪的眼睛有没治好……还有那县城七块钱洗一次的澡堂,也有我们挥之不去的苍蝇。这一切都有,瘦现实和胖理想对阵的地方。支教,你准备好了么?……”(引自2014年支教义工)

今年7月, OCEF将举办第三期支教夏令营活动,招募30名海外义工,前往甘肃省会宁县,与当地的学生一起看书、做游戏,分享知识与故事,共同探索学习与成长的快乐。欲了解详细情况,请访问https://www.ocef.org/

In Chaimen Middle School, there are towering poplar trees, starry nights, wild cats peeking at us, and kids who don't know who Jay Cho is but come to class every day at 6 AM. I wonder if Yaxue’s eyes have healed. I miss the public bath in the town that cost ¥7 RMB per visit, and even the flies that would never leave you alone. It is a place where dreams collide with the reality.  Are you ready to be a volunteer teacher?” (From a volunteer teacher in 2014)

In July 2015, OCEF will launch the third summer camp for volunteer teachers. We are recruiting 30 volunteers to go to Huining County, Gansu Province, to read books, play games, share knowledge and experiences, explore the happiness through learning and growing together. For more details, please visit https://www.ocef.org/.

张新民老先生遗爱长存/A Great Legacy for Mr. Hsing-Ming Chang

3月,北加州Hsing-Ming Chang Charitable Foundation向海外中国教育基金会捐款3万美元,全部用于助学金项目。张新民老先生是祖籍江苏省阜宁县的台胞,几十年来一直心系家乡,关心教育,虽生活简朴,却捐出巨资用于扶贫及助学,在家乡铺路修桥,帮扶大量寒门学子。张老先生于2013年底去世,但风范长存。其后人成立了Hsing-Ming Chang Charitable Foundation用于缅怀,并继续先生助学遗愿。我们深刻感受到Hsing-Ming Chang Charitable Foundation对基金会的信任,慎重挑选出首批85名高中学生于今年春季学期开始接受该项资助,这些受惠学生来自山西、甘肃、云南、贵州、四川、青海以及新疆。

In March, the Hsing-Ming Chang Charitable Foundation in northern California donated $30,000 to OCEF, all for the need-based scholarship program. Mr. Chang came from Taiwan but traced his roots to Funing County, Jiangsu Province. Over the decades, he paid close attention to his ancestral homeland, especially its educational system. He lived a very simple life but made large donations to help combat poverty, support education, and improve infrastructure in Funing, benefiting many students in need. Mr. Chang passed away in late 2013, but his legacy lives on. His family established the Hsing-Ming Chang Charitable Foundation to carry on his efforts in student aid. We greatly appreciated the trust that the Hsing-Ming Chang Charitable Foundation demonstrated in OCEF, and we carefully selected 85 high school students from Shanxi, Gansu, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Qinghai and Xinjiang to be supported by the program.

感恩年会/Annual Appreciation Party

海外中国教育基金会(OCEF)北加分会于3月8日在三藩市举行以《感谢你们,一路同行!》为主题的感恩年会,向捐款人、义工、和所有支持者表示感谢。延续OCEF 北加分会的一贯风格,本次活动如同一个简朴快乐的家庭聚会,吸引了共一百多位捐款人、新老义工和热心助学的朋友参加。

大家在一起回顾了过去一年 OCEF 的助学工作,汇报了北加地区在2014年的多项活动和善款使用情况,并展望未来前景、共同探讨中国乡村的教育现状。年会中,OCEF向慷慨热心的杰出捐赠人和有突出贡献的义工颁发奖牌和奖状表示感恩。其中,电子书《子女上名校,父母谈心得》的作者们通过捐赠该书版权供OCEF开展义卖活动,累计筹款十万余美元,获得“特殊贡献奖”。


特别感谢北加义工的辛苦筹备以及TIPark Silicon Valley赞助本次活动场地、Daniel Wu先生赞助本次活动费用和贾海燕先生等为本次活动摄影。

On March 8, the Northern California Chapter of OCEF hosted the Annual Appreciation Party in San Francisco to show our gratitude to donors, volunteers and all supporters. True to the Northern California Chapter's usual style, the party went on like a simple and happy family reunion. Over 100 donors, new and existing volunteers, and friends attended the party.

At the party, we reviewed the progress of OCEF's programs and projects in the past year as well as events organized by the Northern California Chapter and how the donation has been distributed. We also discussed the current conditions of rural education in China and the future prospects. Medals and awards were given to generous donors and devoted volunteers to show our appreciation. A special contribution award was presented to the authors of the digital book How Our Children Got into Top Colleges, who granted the copy right for the book to OCEF for charity sales that has so far generated well over $100,000 in revenue.

Also on display at the party were hundreds of photos and articles by our volunteers about their field visits to OCEF-sponsored students and schools. Together, they made an accurate presentation on the status quo, the aid programs by OCEF, and the changes these programs had made. Every heart was touched at the sight of the happy faces of the kids, their tremendous efforts in the challenging environment, the impact made by the donors and their generosity, and the progress brought about by the OCEF programs.

A special thank-you to our northern California volunteers for their hard work in preparation for the party, to TIPark Silicon Valley for providing the event venue, to Mr. Daniel Wu for sponsoring the event, and to Mr. Jia Haiyan and others for the beautiful photographs.

项目汇报/Project Progress




Wumiao Central Kindergarten in Wumiao Township, Jianyang, Sichuan, is a public facility affiliated with the nine-year Compulsory Educational System. It is located to the east of the Longquan Mountains and is about 40 kilometers from Chengdu, the provincial capital. The kindergarten was poorly equipped and had very limited resources. OCEF has administered a need-based aid program in Wumiao for over a decade, and many overseas volunteers have visited the kindergarten. In 2014, OCEF volunteers in Chicago made a special donation to the kindergarten for the acquisition of desks, benches, and both indoor and outdoor toys, which greatly improved services provided by the preschool.

In January 2015, when OCEF volunteers visited the kindergarten again, they discovered that as there were no beds available, the kids had to take their naps at the desks, which presented a significant potential for adverse effects on their health and development.  In February, OCEF launched the nap bed project for Wumiao Central Kindergarten. Volunteers purchased 120 nap beds for the kids online and delivered them promptly. With that, the kids could finally take their naps in bed when they came back to school in March.

Because of the nap beds, enrollment at the kindergarten increased significantly for the first time in years, and the parents' satisfaction rate also went up. With the limited space in the classrooms, every day the teachers have to move the desks out and set up the nap beds and then, after the nap time, they have to reverse the arrangement. It is a lot of extra work, but the teachers are very happy. They say it is certainly worth the efforts as long as the kids are getting a good rest!


第18期(2015年4月)/No. 18 (April 2015)
组稿:杨敏 英译:何雪炀 编校:汤柏
Compiled by Catherine Yang Translated by He Xueyang Edited by Tang Bai

海外中国教育基金会/Overseas China Education Foundation

地址/Address: P. O. Box 772436, Houston, Texas 77215-2436, USA
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捐款链接/To make a donation to OCEF: https://ocef.org/donation

了解更多OCEF义工工作/To learn more about OCEF volunteers and their work: