捐款人快讯2012年07月号 Donor Newsflash Jul 2012

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在理事会和各个小组的大力支持下,OCEF在五月份申请了英伟达年度赠款项目(Nvidia High Impact Grant [https://www.nvidia.com/object/high_impact_grants.html])。这个项目每年赠款给四个在美国注册的非营利组织(每个组织5万美金),由一个审查小组在所有申请组织(通常超过一百个)中选出十个进入决赛,然后由Nvidia公司的全体雇员投票决定最后的四个获奖组织,结果将在7月下旬公布。

这是OCEF第一次申请美国企业或基金会的赠款项目。Nvidia雇员、长期支持OCEF的陈凯先生推荐OCEF申请此项目,由曹梦珲和关偲然带领的申请团队用了短短四周的时间准备了一份高质量的申请,从OCEF组织及主要成员和捐款来源的概述到如何使用赠款的详细计划,从OCEF的财务报表和经营预算到非歧视政策和理事会会员的个人简介。这次申请不仅为OCEF今后的企业和基金会赠款申请奠定了坚实的基础,也促成了多项有挑战性的任务,增进广大非华裔人士对OCEF的了解,包括建立OCEF维基页面(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OCEF)和大幅改进OCEF英文网页(https://www.ocef.org/ english)等。

如果成功赢得5万美元的赠款,我们计划将它用于山西广灵县的全面支持计划(https://www.ocef. org/english/funding-projects/469-comprehensive-support-program)。它结合了OCEF现有的资助计划(https://www.ocef.org/english/funding-projects),提供基础设施的改善、教师培训、学生资助、奖学金和图书馆修建等,全面支持乡村学校的发展。

OCEF Applied for Nvidia High Impact Grant

With the support of the Board and the various subgroups, OCEF applied for the Nvidia High Impact Grant (https://www.nvidia.com/object/high_impact_grants.html) in May. This program awards $50,000 each to four non-profit organizations registered in US every year. Based on past records, there are usually over 100 applicants for the four slots. From these, a Nvidia committee selects ten finalists, and an election by all Nvidia employees determines the final winners in late July.

This was the first time that OCEF applied for a grant from a US corporation or foundation. Kai Chen, an Nvidia employee and long-term supporter of OCEF, recommended OCEF for the grant. A campaign team led by David Cao and Vicky Kwan dedicated four weeks to put together a competitive application package, from the overviews of OCEF, its key members and funding sources to a detailed proposal on the potential use of the grant; from OCEF's financial statements and operating budgets to its non-discrimination policy and bios of the board members. This campaign not only laid a solid ground for future OCEF grant applications, but also conquered various challenging tasks to help promote OCEF to the broader community, including the successful establishment of the OCEF Wikipedia page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OCEF) and a significant improvement to the Foundation's English webpage (https://www.ocef.org/english).

We proposed to use the $50,000 grant for a Comprehensive Support Program (https://www.ocef. org/english/funding-projects/469-comprehensive-support-program) in Guangling County, Shanxi Province, which seeks to integrate some of the existing OCEF programs (https://www.ocef. org/english/funding-projects) into an all-encompassing support mechanism for selected rural schools, providing infrastructure improvements, teacher training, student financial aid, scholarships, and libraries.


后记:在发出这次捐款者新闻快递之前我们刚刚得到主办方通知,OCEF没有进入英伟达年度赠款项目的决赛。遗憾的同时,我们相信这次申请的努力是非常值得的,而且在多方面促进了OCEF的发展。我们明年会继续参加这个项目的申请,并对OCEF下一次企业或基金会赠款项目申请充满信心。另外如果您对山西广灵县的全面支持计划有兴趣,请跟我们联系: 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。

Postscript: As we were preparing this issue of the Donor Newsflash, we received the news that OCEF was not selected as a finalist for this year's Nvidia High Impact Grant. Nevertheless, we believe the application efforts were worthwhile and have significantly improved the operations of OCEF on many fronts. We look forward to the next—and hopefully successful—grant application. In the meantime, if you would like to participate in the Comprehensive Support Program we are proposing for schools in Guangling, Shanxi, please contact 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .


OCEF于1992年在美国成立,至今已整整二十年。为了纪念这个非常有意义的时刻,我们将在北京、休斯敦和纽约分别举办OCEF二十周年庆祝活动。北京的庆祝会将于8月17至19日举办,休斯敦的庆祝会定在11月3日至4日,纽约的庆祝活动日期待定。除去回顾OCEF成长历程、介绍当前项目、规划未来发展之外,休斯敦的庆祝会内容还包括图片及视频展览、义工及捐款人座谈和文艺表演,诚邀捐款人、义工和其他支持者参加。关于庆祝活动的更多信息,请看 https://www.ocef.org/media-center/ 20thanniversary,或电邮联系 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。

OCEF 20th Anniversary Celebrations

This year marks the 20th birthday of OCEF, founded in the US in 1992. To commemorate this important milestone in the history of the Foundation, we will be hosting celebrations in Beijing, Houston, and New York. The activities in Beijing will take place on August 17-19, those in Houston are scheduled for November 3-4, and the dates for the New York celebrations will be announced soon. In addition to an overview of OCEF's past growth, current programs, and future development, the Houston celebrations will also include pictorial and video exhibitions, roundtable discussions among volunteers and donors, and performing arts. All of our donors, volunteers, and other supporters are cordially invited. For more information, please see https://www.ocef.org/ media-center/20thanniversary, or contact 该E-mail地址已受到防止垃圾邮件机器人的保护,您必须启用浏览器的Java Script才能看到。 .


Overseas China Education Foundation/海外中国教育基金会

Address/地址: P. O. Box 772436, Houston, Texas 77215-2436, USA
Telephone/电话: (281) 506-2018 E-mail/电子邮件:
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To make a donation to OCEF/捐款链接: https://ocef.org/donation