捐款人快讯2012年12月号 Donor Newsflash Dec 2012

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This year marks the 20th anniversary of the OCEF. After the first celebration in Beijing last August, which also served as the 1st Annual Coordinator Conference (see https://china. ocef.org/bbs/thread-87098-1-1.html as well as the last issue of the newsflash), more commemorative events were organized in North America in late October and early November.


2012年是OCEF成立20 周年的纪念年,自8月份在北京举办的20周年庆典暨第一届协调员年会(详情请阅https://china.ocef.org/bbs/thread-87098-1-1.html及上期快讯)之后,北美的庆祝活动也在十月底到十一月初陆续举办。

New York

The New York celebration was held at the studio of renowned photographer Alex Cao in the afternoon of October 27, 2012. More than 100 guests attended the event, which enjoyed the support of a number of news media and many leading New Yorkers from all walks of life. Several celebrities sent their congratulatory messages, including pianist Lang Lang and former NBA player Mengke Bateer. Of particular note on the program was a charity auction featuring autographed celebrity memorabilia collected through months of painstaking effort by volunteers of the New York Chapter, which helped raise more than $6,600 for the OCEF. The event was co-sponsored by a well-known local business, and several major Chinese-language news media were represented at the celebration and released their reports within the day.


纽约庆祝活动于2012年10月27日下午在知名摄影师Alex Cao的工作室举办。本次活动得到纽约各界人士和多家媒体的支持,共有100多位嘉宾到场,为OCEF筹得善款6600多美元。本次庆祝活动还得到了知名人士郎朗和巴特尔等的关心和祝贺。整个活动中最引人注目的是慈善拍卖。纽约的义工们用几个月的时间收集了数件名人的签名纪念品并找到本地知名公司赞助,纽约的几家主流中文媒体都前来采访并在一天之内发出报道。

Northern California

The Northern California Chapter of the OCEF held its 20th anniversary celebration in San Jose on November 4, 2012. The participants included volunteers, donors, and netizens who are actively involved in OCEF affairs. Brought together by a shared dedication to helping underprivileged rural children in their pursuit for a proper education, the participants enjoyed a moment of camaraderie away from the busy lives in the Silicon Valley, along with personal anecdotes from past OCEF work and photographs from a difficult journey by OCEF donor Tom to the remote areas in Guizhou Province.




The Houston celebration, featuring a photo exhibition, was held at Rice University on November 4, 2012. Nearly 300 Chinese-American community representatives, OCEF volunteers, donors, and special guests participated in this event, including volunteers from Shanghai and Hong Kong. Deputy Consul General Zhang Chuanbing, Alice Chen, and Peter D.L. Hwang attended and addressed the conference on behalf of the Chinese Consulate General in Houston, Congressman Al Green, and Texas State Representative Angie Chen Button, respectively.

The photo exhibition, which also included short films shot in China, highlighted the OCEF's achievements in helping underprivileged schoolchildren in rural China over the past 20 years. The extraordinary efforts of the children under inconceivable hardship moved many guests into making more than $8,000 in donations on the spot. In addition to monetary contributions, the OCEF also received offers from a number of groups to cooperate in future growth in both the Chinese-American and the mainstream communities.

In her speech on the conference, OCEF President Qinghong Wei reviewed the growth of the Foundation over the past two decades, and thanked all of the charitable contributors to the cause of the Foundation for their efforts. As a representative of the OCEF donors, Allen Xi expressed his appreciation for the OCEF’s financial transparency and low operational costs, which assured him that the donations would be used properly. The conference in particular honored Gan Liang, co-founder and former president of the Foundation, whose dedication was crucial in the early growth of the OCEF.


休斯敦庆典暨助学图片展于2012年11月4日在莱斯大学举办。全美各地近300多位侨界代表、义工、捐赠者和其他嘉宾参加了活动,包括来自上海和香港的志愿者。中国驻休斯敦副总领事张传兵、国会议员Al Green的代表谭秋晴和德州众议员陈筱玲的代表黄登陆等人应邀参加并致辞。大厅内展示了基金会20年来资助中国教学的成果图片和在国内实录的短片。看着孩子们在艰难环境中刻苦读书,很多来宾纷纷慷慨解囊,现场捐资8000多美元,并有许多社团想与基金会合作,在华裔和主流社区深入发展。




Overseas China Education Foundation/海外中国教育基金会

Address/地址: P. O. Box 772436, Houston, Texas 77215-2436, USA
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