捐款人快讯2013年08月号 Donor Newsflash Aug 2013

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First Summer Reading Study Camp for Teachers

After years of continuous efforts, the Library Team has set up OCEF-sponsored libraries at over 400 schools. In order to further advance benefits of the Library Program, and after six months of intense preparation, OCEF successfully hosted the first Summer Reading Study Camp for Teachers on August 1-3, 2013, at Tantou Jiaotong Hope Primary School, Tantou Township, Luanchuan County, Henan Province. More than 100 teachers from over 20 OCEF-assisted schools throughout the country and a number of other schools in Henan Province participated in the camp. The training courses offered at the camp aimed at helping the teachers improve their students' reading and critical thinking ability by guiding the teachers to a better understanding of the process of reading, integration of classroom and extracurricular reading, and integration of reading and discussion. The three-day camp had a full and practical agenda, featuring speeches in the morning, case studies in the afternoon and reciting in the evening.


1. 高品质的专业课程:优秀教师、阅读推广人薛瑞萍,新教育研究院的赵晶和王丽娟老师,OCEF阅读推广种子老师陈向峰和李精芳、种子校长南建国和邵新锋都做了阅读教学经验分享。课程内容函括儿童诵读、图画书的欣赏和教学、主题阅读、整本书教学等儿童阅读的基本理论与方法,以及低年级和高年级的不同教学重点、如何让写作在阅读的基础上做延伸等专题。薛瑞萍“日有所诵”的简易、系统教学方式深得大家的喜爱和认可。

2. 开放互动研习模式:在特邀专家示范讲学时课堂上展开互动,融入其他老师的经验分享和专家点评,体现了教学模式的开放性、参与性,从而激发意愿,让老师们“动起来”。

3. 理论和实践结合: 通过这次培训,有22所学校计划将“日有所诵”的教学方法融入实际操作。以图画书为主的班级书库将保证孩子每天能够借阅一本书,“中国老故事”讲述将成为每周固定活动。另外,研习营对于OCEF日后选择图书类型和数量上的安排有指导意义。


Highlights of the Camp

1. High-quality curriculum: Expert speakers Zhao Jing and Wang Lijuan from the New Education Research Institute and Xue Ruiping, an award-winning teacher and reading promoter, shared their experiences in guiding students to read, as did Seed Teachers Chen Xiangfeng and Li Jingfang and Seed Principals Nan Jianguo and Shao Xinfeng from OCEF's Reading Promotion Program. The training courses covered recitation for children, appreciation and teaching of picture books, themed reading, full-book teaching, as well as such subjects as the differentiation of emphasis in junior and senior class education and how to extend reading into writing. Daily Reciting, a simple but systematic teaching approach pioneered by Xue Ruiping, met with particularly enthusiastic reception from the audience.

2. Open and interactive model of study: Interaction between expert speakers and participating teachers during the presentations and integration of the teachers' own experiences and expert reviews into the sessions made the camp proceedings open and engaging. The atmosphere stimulated the teachers and turned them into active participants in the program.

3. Integration of theory and practice: After the camp, 22 schools signed up to adopt Daily Reciting into their standard teaching practices. Class libraries with mainly picture books will ensure that each student will be able to borrow one book a day, and storytelling with an "old Chinese stories" theme will become a regular activity every week. In the meantime, the camp provided insights to the OCEF Book Program regarding the types and quantity of books to provide to the schools.

We would like to acknowledge A Zi, Liu Qian, Xiaonan, Xiaoxue, Liu Xiu, Yunbao and other volunteers for their tireless efforts to make the camp possible, and express our special gratitude to Xue Ruiping, Chuanmei, Xiao’an, Teacher Kong, Zhao Jing, Wang Lijuan and Wang Yanzhen for their excellent presentations. We look forward to the same access during the second Summer Reading Study Camp for the Teachers next year!




2013年8月号/August 2013

Overseas China Education Foundation/海外中国教育基金会

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